Monday, December 05, 2005

The Can can

CAN Conquer CANcer initiative

I'm taking a break from my story telling. This time, you get to read about how you can do what you like doing best and what you like doing best. Well, at least blogging's in our list of favourite things, or we wouldn't be here.
So, it's simple. Blog for a cause. Write a story, poem, whatchamacallits about cancer and win some good prizes. The best prize, however, is the bit we'd all have done towards spreading awareness about cancer.
Let me stop, though. You go ahead and listen to the horse: Murali or check out his painstakingly-created CAN Conquer CANcer werbsite.
And get into the act, folks, cos they also serve who sit and blog.

May the Force be with all of you.



Blogger hari said...

Hi Ramya,

A very noble post for a very noble cause from a very noble personality.

5:30 pm

Blogger Enchanted Mind said...

My few cents !
- Phantom alias TLW !

10:47 am


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