Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The inheritance of loss?! Surely not!

As these things go, I'm glad her book's title was not prophetic.
Kiran Desai's gone and won the Booker, something her mother failed to do despite three nominations.
There are people already asking Kiran whether she's a better novelist than her mother! Now, come. There are several criteria to awarding that prize, not all of them can be literary. And so, though I have not read daughter-Desai, (soon to be remedied)I've read her mother and winning or loosing the Booker doesn't make either of them the better or the worse for the read.
That makes two books I simply must buy this week: the centenary edition of R.K.Narayan's My Days, and now, The Inheritance of Loss.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"losing" not "loosing" !

Please be extra careful.

9:34 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do let me know how you liked the book...depending on your verdict, shall decide whether or not to hound the local lib to get me a copy! (I passionately disliked Life of Pi...or maybe I'm looking for one particular genre, and am too chary to try anything else! Read Devil wears Prada...WHAT a waste of time!)

12:13 am


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