Saturday, June 24, 2006


I wonder why I've never done this before. Possibly, I've never had the time, most certainly, I was caught up in trying to fathom the random emotions of an unfamiliar community.

But this time, when I was in Nagapattinam, I had time to stand and stare at the greying sea. The sky was overcast and the waves, a belligerent grey too. As I stood on the truncated shore, staring out into that vast greyness, I wondered how it might have been.

And then, I could see, in my mind, a kinetic wall of grey, muddied ocean hurling itself towards me. I turned back to see if I could escape - the shore seemed long, deserted and full of clumps of wet sand, discouraging speed. In that one moment, I seemed to know just how it might have been, not quite and yet, just there.

When I shuddered then, it was not because of the chill wind blowing in from a sea that was waiting for rain.



Blogger hari said...

Yes Ramya,

I cud well visualize horrific shock that people out there might have experienced in that unforgettable moment of their life.

I always say its the height of resilience shown, by both young and the old,to have come back out of this trauma and decide to continue their life hugging the very nature that gave them this terrible jolt.

11:49 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So poignant Ramya...yet cant help thinking how evocative the piece was...

1:25 am

Blogger Inder said...

Yeah... It was indeed a bitter tragedy. Some islands were swept shore to shore. There was nowhere to run.
It was just another reminder that no matter how developed our artificial world becomes, the all powerful nature would be the one to have the last laugh.

2:18 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ramya, almost like i was there with u on that beach. i can totally imagine it. how are you?
lots of love

2:44 pm

Blogger Houseowner said...


i dunno, perhaps people had no clue what hit them. my fear is with hindsight...


evocative, eh? hmmm...


ah yes. sometimes you SO underestimate nature... and regret it.

fat waif,

that must be you? how are things? quite a few changes hereabouts! will mail ya


5:09 pm

Blogger fat waif said...

yes its me, forgot to leave me name... write soon... waiting to hear from you.
love, me

10:29 pm

Blogger SamY said...

it would have been like a death wish :(

but somehow I feel the guy stuck on the rock with the statue would have witnessed near death :), and survived to tell the story

8:15 am

Blogger Houseowner said...


mailed ya, finally!


many thanks. it's just an expression of what i felt.


better still, we should ask the statue, u see, dead men tell the best tales! :)


1:07 pm


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